Writer’s Helps

Writer Friends and Colleagues

Over the past number of years, I’ve worked as a critique partner for the following authors.  Critique Partnering is not only the most effective way to learn the craft of fiction writing, it is also a way to find support, encouragement and friendship. I can’t tell you how much these writers have sharpened and developed my work, even across genres. Interestingly, all of these authors are now published! You can check out their websites and their work by following the links. I’ve been privileged to enjoy each of these author’s stories.

  Middle Grade and Young Adult

Mary Hamilton

Diana Sharples

Sarah Tipton

Inspirational Historical Romance

Anne Greene

Melissa Jagears

Naomi Rawlings

How can you connect and critique with other Christian fiction writers?


ACFW (American Christian fiction Writers Association) is an excellent organization for nurturing aspiring Christian fiction writers. The first year membership fee is $65, $45 for renewals. Membership includes access to a number of writer resources and placement in critique groups. ACFW also has local chapters, some with in person critique groups.

Writer’s Helps Freebies

The first book on the techniques of writing that I would recommend to aspiring writers is Plot & Structure by James Scott Bell. Another is Dynamic Characters by Nancy Kress. There are also several free online resources that have been incredibly helpful to me. The first is Randy Ingermanson’s website, which includes the freebies, The Perfect Scene and The Snowflake Method. The second online resource is Camy Tang , whose Story Sensei blog contains an incredible array of short, easy-to-understand lessons on writing fiction. Both Randy and Camy also have excellent books on the craft of writing and offer other writing related services.